A Voice In The Valley

When there is an exhortation or a word of encouragement for the church it may sound as though it is a voice in the valley.

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Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Let There Be No Dam

For out of our bellies shall flow rivers of living water. Lord help us not dam it by quenching the Holy Spirit. Sunday, I thought a song was going to come from my lips. I was hearing that portion of the scripture ,for out of our bellies shall flow rivers of living water and feeling as though I wanted to be able to just flow everywhere. It is such a feeling. The love of the LORD is on you and it is like, this surely will help someone . I do not think very fast so just how this anointing or love that I am aware of being poured down on me can help others I am not sure. Yet , a song, now I have heard some very anointed songs lately. Songs that the people were just giving all praise and glory to our King. Please check out this blog site if you haven't already. http://letmebealight.blogspot/ Besides the song on the left hand side there if you scroll down you'll see a blog titled anointed Song. So I guess my faith was increased to think that perhaps a song was going to flow through my lips as I was worshipping our LORD. So I allowed my mouth to open and offered up my voice , only it was not an English worded song that came , it was of tongues that I suppose angels use when speaking to the King. It felt as though some beautiful something had been poured into me for me now to pour back upon our KING's feet. I thought of golden water for some reason. Yet , I knew that this kind of worship could distract the others who were there so I kept it quiet and tried to whisper it. The reason I am sharing this is because knowing such experiences exist for us common folk is very important. Also that no special evangelist needed to come to town and pray for me. No special anything was required but my open willingness to draw nigh unto our LORD and praise Him. Please do not fear being close to Him. He is all loving and totally merciful and giver of grace. We can never be worthy of being in His presence , so don't wait for "a good day." Today would be a good day to draw nigh unto Him and receive a blessing that you will find yourself pouring back to Him , I am sure.


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