A Voice In The Valley

When there is an exhortation or a word of encouragement for the church it may sound as though it is a voice in the valley.

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Location: Arkansas

I enjoy blogging about many topics .I try to stay within the blog titles below. Blue Letter Bible is a resource I think you'll be glad you've found.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Loving Not Our Lives Even Unto Death

Finding Jesus in a bad world. It is not long after finding Jesus that you realize He now wants you to find Him in others. "There I am ", He says,"in the least of these." "In the prisons, in the highways, in your grocery stores, sitting in your parks, in your everyday life, those ones you ignored before. I am there." (My paraphrase.) At the very same time , up comes the Elder Brother and says, "what do you think you are doing ?" "Well, I am going out to find Jesus ," you say. "What ? Jesus, do you think He is out there ?" "Why do you think He is there ?" he says. Then you say, "because I know He is here," you point to yourself .
It really makes them mad. I don't mean angry. I mean mad. I think they lose the ability to think rationally.
If you can make it past the Elder Brother and into the party the Father invites you to. I think you can make it on out to the fields.
I have to try.
Jesus you are out there, and I have to try to find you today. I know You will be with me as I look. Tell me what to say to the elder brother who wants me to quit believing that what You said was true. Show me how to let the light within me shine. Also show me what to say to the dear hearts whose light has been dimmed by other Elder Brothers. Please help me not join the ranks of the Elder Brothers to be popular.
There is a field of grace. I thank God for His grace. It is His grace that our message is about. It is His grace that the elder brother does not want to receive. It is His grace that we must share with all who will listen.

Please read Acts 6:8 -Acts 7:56 Acts 6:15 And all that sat in the council,
looking steadfastly on him, saw his face as it had been the face of an angel. Acts 7:51 Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost : as your fathers [did], so [do] ye.

The light was there because he, Stephen let it be there. He was not stiffnecked and uncircumcised in his heart and ears, and he did not resist the Holy Ghost.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Go Forth, Go Forth Into the Ripened Fields They Are Ripe Unto Harvest

There are some famous "going forths " in the Bible. I will share only a few , lest I lose your interest in this blog. Gen 8:16 Go forth of the ark, thou, and thy wife, and thy sons, and thy sons' wives with thee. You realize of course , at the time Noah went forth into the ark it took courage. For one hundred years, he knew this day was going to happen. For one hundred years, he trusted in God's sovereignty to protect himself and his family in THE DAY to come. Finally the time came to go forth into the ark with his family.
I dare say there are alot of people aware of what DAY this is right now. Some are joyfully anticipating being taken up out of this world soon.
Almost all that speak of it have one lament. Oh if only , (put a loved one's name in here) was ready to go.
May I suggest to all who are ready to go at anytime that we have some going forth to do. If the Spirit of the LORD is upon you , you will have some idea of what going forth will look like.
For me it is preparing for the Feast of Tabernacles even when it does not seem to be the popular thing to do this year. My children need the opportunity to partake of sacraments with me. They may not go to church with me but that has nothing to do with breaking bread and drinking grape juice in remembrance of what JESUS did for us. My house will do just fine. So many times we refer to "going to church" as the building we go to on Sundays. My church is right here in my home, it is in me , where ever I go , church is with me. When ever I find another person who will let me talk about Jesus, here we are, at church.
I would like to invite my children to go on a camping trip with me and celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles together. Right at this time the best I feel I am going to be able to do is have a sleep over, everyone bring a sleeping bag.
We will go out in the middle of the night and look up at the stars in the sky and I will remind them of how God took care of the children of Israel in the wilderness. I will add that I fully believe He, this same God, is our God and He will take care of us in the days ahead.
They have been watching this God take care of me for many years. They have witnessed a miraculous healing in my life. They have heard me say," I had this vision when praying for you" and found it to be true. They know this God I am telling them to trust in , is real. Now as I tell them ,"Let us go forth into the ark," I hope they will respond. At the same time I am seeing many being bid , "go forth" and need a little encouragement. That is the gift the Holy Spirit has given me , so whatever struggle they might be having , the Holy Spirit will surely give me a word of encouragement for them.
If you have a loved one that you wish was ready to go , may I encourage you to seek the kingdom of God first and His righteousness. While going into this ark of refuge , invite your loved ones to come with you. I know it might seem strange to have a communion supper with them in your home. What if it makes the difference between where they spend eternity ? What if it is the opportunity they need to see a visual aid of remberance of what Jesus did for them? Even if you partake while they watch, what better way for the Holy Spirit to begin to speak to their hearts? Go forth ! Go forth ! Go forth ! Pray and seek Him for boldness. Better that you do one thing that the HOLY SPIRIT lead you to do and have His Spirit give you boldness than you do a hundred things I tell you to do.
For me it is to do as I suggest above . May it be that the HOLY SPIRIT give you another "going forth" so be it. Here am I to encourage you.
Go forth !

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Bread , All I Have is Bread, and Two Fishes, Here LORD

You may think you have nothing to give but the Word of God is nigh thee even in thy mouth. Speak what ever He would have you to say. Smile a smile, shake a hand. Give a pat on the arm. He who is faithful in the little things He will make ruler over much. It isn't much. Writing a letter, leaving a tract somewhere, calling someone just to say hello. Do it today. If you feel He has said do it, or even if you are not sure . How much will harm if you are wrong ? How much good will it do if you are right ? It could be the two fishes and five loaves of barley bread that was needed to feed five thousand . Don't hoard it . Give it away .

Monday, July 10, 2006

RIPPLES,Ripples,ripples, yes you make ripples too.

Your purpose on earth is to be a living stone . When God throws you out on the waters you will make ripples . Only God knows the plan for the ripples . You may expect a similar reaction to those ripples today that you saw yesterday . However, He our ever knowing God Who knows all things , knows the depth of the pond , the rocks and debris in the pond , the wind velocity , and the other things being thrown in that pond that could cause ripples of their own .
Yesterday I was with others who desire the Bread of Life . There was a living stone thrown in our ponds . Yet I was the only one who produced ripples that looked like mine . I could not understand it until I remembered the parable of the sower and the seed .
Not all soil is the same . Not all ponds are the same . Theirs may have different looking ripples , it does not mean I am better . I am different .
Blessed am I for understanding the parable of the sower and the seed . Matt. 13:3
It is making for joyful ripples today .