A Voice In The Valley

When there is an exhortation or a word of encouragement for the church it may sound as though it is a voice in the valley.

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Location: Arkansas

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Sunday, February 19, 2006

The Just Shall Live By Faith

It is not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit saith the Lord of hosts that this mountain shall be removed. This mountain before us is as Jericho was before the children of Israel and we must stand and declare ,"Grace, grace, grace." Be aware that there are giants in the land, but we do not need to be afraid. Our righteousness is but dirty rags, even as Joshua was clothed. But we will be given new garments if we will receive "Grace, grace, grace." Every man will stand before a man and he will remove his shoes for he is on holy ground. He will know the sword of the Spirit is for him who is not against the word of the Lord going forth out upon the land. He will say unto that mountain, "Grace, grace, grace. Blessed be the name of Lord of Zerubbabel, who was and is and is to come." Our purpose is to line up with the word of the LORD and in this He is given all glory. He alone can give us righteousness. He alone can give us His Spirit of righteousness. Without His Spirit upon us we have nothing. Let us entreat the LORD to make our buildings of fellowship once again Houses of Prayer where the Spirit of the LORD may come and dwell among us. May the Lord be our Shepherd and give boldness to those in authority to stand every man before a man. And if that man be not for us, let him ask him to leave. Give us a place of refuge LORD where we might seek your face together. Where we are not ravaged by wolves in sheep's clothing but where the under shepherds guard the flocks. Where the word of the LORD might be given clear and true and the witnesses, say "nay, nay or yeah, yeah." Let us not be intimidated with rebuke but let us give God glory in another's willingness to line up with His purpose. Let us grow up and be the people You have called us to be and let us go on into this new land.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Show Them Through Me Let Me Be A Light Feb 14 Worth Reading Again

Every now and then you read something that is profound and stands true for no matter how many times you read it. Such was Annette's post the other day. If you click on her name it should take you to her blog site. Scroll down if you will to date Feb 14. I think a lot of us are wondering where we fit in and how do we occupy until the LORD comes. Our only examples are those in the early church who also knew He was coming back any day.
She said it so well I just wanted to share it with my readers . If you have not seen her blog before you are in for special blessing. Over on the left side of her blog site is a line that says Play Song. When you click it you will hear a part of the song the Holy Spirit gave her to sing. I try to remind her to sing it often. One day 20 years ago, the Holy Spirit gave me a couple of songs too . Oddly enough they go right along with the theme she shares in her Feb 14 blog.