Why ?
Our boats are ready . We are on the water, our sails have been cared for and made ready for a long trip. (allegorical analogy , water : accepting Jesus as the Way . sails : minds filled with God's word.)" Go ye out and be fishers of men, " comes the cry. So out we want to go . Is our boat moving ? Well, slowly , I seem to be rowing instead of sailing. Could it be that my sails are not up ? Could it be that I by myself can not raise them high enough to fully catch the wind ?
When I am with others and I pray a wonderful thing happens . As one begins to pray and then another and another their words are coming up as mirrors to line up with the will of our Father. My turn will come, "what should I pray ?" I think of a prayer and decide when the time is right , I will say my prayer. A silence, I hesitate, someone else begins to pray. She is praying the prayer that was in my mind to pray. She is saying the things I had thought about to say. Oh, how wonderful and joyful is my soul. The Holy Spirit had given me a prayer that would line up with the will of our Father ! In my mind and heart I readily agree with her and in our spirits we are of one accord. There is "Joy in the Holy Ghost !" There is joy when we allow the freedom for the Holy Spirit to flow !
What if we never prayed together ? Of course it is not a must. You can row a boat even if it is made for sailing.
Another wind giving opportunity is when we share the bread of life with one another. I belong to an online Bible study but if the others in the group do not participate soon, I feel the life that could come by doing this study together will be lost. Because I do have a prayer partner in the group and one who participates by sharing there is life for me but it is the others who had said they would join that I am concerned. I really think we need a time to pray together . I will pray that each one who joins will find herself a prayer partner and also at least one person in the group she is willing to share with. I will have to not worry to much about other people's boats . I will just give words of encouragement when I feel led !
When I am with others and I pray a wonderful thing happens . As one begins to pray and then another and another their words are coming up as mirrors to line up with the will of our Father. My turn will come, "what should I pray ?" I think of a prayer and decide when the time is right , I will say my prayer. A silence, I hesitate, someone else begins to pray. She is praying the prayer that was in my mind to pray. She is saying the things I had thought about to say. Oh, how wonderful and joyful is my soul. The Holy Spirit had given me a prayer that would line up with the will of our Father ! In my mind and heart I readily agree with her and in our spirits we are of one accord. There is "Joy in the Holy Ghost !" There is joy when we allow the freedom for the Holy Spirit to flow !
What if we never prayed together ? Of course it is not a must. You can row a boat even if it is made for sailing.
Another wind giving opportunity is when we share the bread of life with one another. I belong to an online Bible study but if the others in the group do not participate soon, I feel the life that could come by doing this study together will be lost. Because I do have a prayer partner in the group and one who participates by sharing there is life for me but it is the others who had said they would join that I am concerned. I really think we need a time to pray together . I will pray that each one who joins will find herself a prayer partner and also at least one person in the group she is willing to share with. I will have to not worry to much about other people's boats . I will just give words of encouragement when I feel led !